
Covid19 Nigeria


The Private Sector's Role in Mitigating the Impact of COVID-19 on Vulnerable Women and Girls in Nigeria

In recent weeks, the Nigerian private sector has assumed a leading role in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:COVID-19 Resource

Language: English
COVID-19 Recovery Asia Pacific III


Guidance Note for Action: Supporting SMEs to Ensure the Economic COVID-19 Recovery is Gender-Responsive and Inclusive

This Note, the third of a four-part guidance note series related to gender-sensitive COVID-19 response, shows how the barriers women entrepreneurs already face in starting and retaining a business are likely to increase in the aftermath of COVID-19.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:COVID-19 Resource

Language: English
COVID-19 Recovery Asia Pacific IV


Guidance Note for Action: Addressing the Emerging Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Migrant Women in Asia and the Pacific for a Gender-Responsive Recovery

The COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately affects women migrant workers across Asia and the Pacific, in particular those with irregular migration status.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:COVID-19 Resource

Language: English
COVID-19 and WEPs


COVID-19 and Gender Equality: A Call to Action for the Private Sector

The private sector has a responsibility to use its power, influence and resources to protect the rights and physical and mental well-being of employees, as well as to ensure long-term business recovery efforts restore economic stability. 


Publisher:WE EMPOWER G7


Category:COVID-19 Resource

Languages: English French Japanese
COVID-19 Recovery Asia Pacific II


Guidance Note for Action: Gender-Sensitive Private Sector Response to COVID-19 for Accelerated and Inclusive Economic Recovery

Declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization, the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is already having major, differentiated impacts on women.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:COVID-19 Resource

Language: English
Family friendly policies during COVID


Family-Friendly Policies and Other Good Workplace Practices in the Context of COVID-19: Key Steps Employers Can Take

The consequences of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak are unprecedented and felt around the world.

Author:ILO - UNICEF - UN Women

Publisher:ILO - UNICEF - UN Women


Category:COVID-19 Resource

Languages: English Turkish Japanese
Promoting positive gender roles in media


COVID-19: Promoting Positive Gender Roles in Marketing and Advertising

In an effort to address the impacts of COVID-19, companies are making a number of socially beneficial communications to the public. It is essential that these communications avoid harmful stereotypes and seek to depict positive and progressive gender portrayals.

Author:UNICEF - UN Women

Publisher:UNICEF - UN Women


Category:COVID-19 Resource

Languages: English Japanese Turkish
COVID19 and Ending VAW


COVID-19 and Ending Violence Against Women and Girls

This brief highlights emerging evidence of the impact of the recent global pandemic of COVID-19 on violence against women and girls. It makes recommendations to be considered by all sectors of society, from governments to international organizations and to civil society organizations in orde

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:COVID-19 Resource

Languages: English Japanese
COVID-19 Recovery Asia Pacific I


Guidance Note for Action: Women as a Force for Accelerated and Inclusive Economic Recovery Post-COVID-19 in Asia-Pacific

Women’s economic empowerment will be essential if we are to ensure that the economic recovery from COVID-19 in Asia and the Pacific is as rapid as possible and includes all members of society.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:COVID-19 Resource

Language: English
DIR Tool


Diagnosis for Equal Remuneration

The Diagnosis for Equal Remuneration (DIR) is a new self-evaluation tool developed by UN Women for companies and organizations committed to equality.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:WEPs Guidance

Language: English