
italy public policy case study


Italy: The Gender Parity Law

The Gender Parity Law was passed in 2011 and has had a major impact on board compositions of public companies in Italy, dramatically increasing women’s representation on boards.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:Public Policy

Language: English
Innovation and Social Design for a Global Impact


Innovation and Social Design for a Global Impact

This Leaders in Action piece follows the journey of PATHFINDER co-founders Jessica van Thiel and Shivani Singh. PATHFINDER works with business, academia and policymakers to find innovative solutions in sustainable development.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:WEPs Leaders

Languages: English French
WEPs Action Card EXHW


WEPs Action Card - Tackling Sexual Harassment in the World of Work

This Action Card gives a snapshot at the recommendations for tackling sexual harassment in the workplace and achieving gender equality. 

Author:UN Women, as part of the WE EMPOWER-G7 Programme

Publisher:UN Women, as part of the WE EMPOWER-G7 Programme


Category:WEPs Guidance

Language: English
WEPs Learn


WEPs Learn

WEPs Learn strives to equip women with new skills, capacities and characteristics to succeed in the digital economy and labour market.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:Video and Event

Power of Working Together


The Power of Working Together

On 10 December, the WE EMPOWER-G7 Programme hosted a virtual high-level Forum convening G7-EU stakeholder that focus on women’s economic empowerment and responsible business conduct, including WEPs signatories.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:Video and Event

A Forerunner in Sustainability Management and SDGs Reporting


A Forerunner in Sustainability Management and SDGs Reporting

This Leaders in Action piece follows the journey of the founder of Cre-en Inc., Ayako Sonoda. Cre-en Inc. is a Japanese business consulting firm specializing in sustainability management and SDGs reporting. 

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:WEPs Leaders

Language: Japanese
Case study Capgemini


Women's Leadership Development at a Global Scale

Capgemini, a company focused in consulting, digital transformation, technology and engineering saw a specific need to promote more women into leadership roles.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:Case Study

Languages: English French
The Power Of Partnerships


The Power of Partnerships for Achieving Gender Equality

“ … Governments, the international community and civil society, including non-governmental organizations and the private sector, are called upon to take strategic action in the [12] critical areas of concern.” – Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:Video and Event

Shifting Culture to Boost Gender Equality


Shifting Culture to Boost Gender Equality

Banco Santander, a global financial services company based in Spain considers diversity and inclusion a priority. Read this case study to learn more about the company's gender equality action plan. 

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:Case Study

Language: English