
Shifting Culture to Boost Gender Equality


Shifting Culture to Boost Gender Equality

Banco Santander, a global financial services company based in Spain considers diversity and inclusion a priority. Read this case study to learn more about the company's gender equality action plan. 

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:Case Study

Language: English
UN Women and IFC


Bridging the Gap: Emerging Private Sector Response and Recovery Measures for Gender Equality amid COVID-19

As COVID-19 widens global gender gaps, IFC and UN Women have partnered to showcase a growing number of companies and organizations around the world that are taking action to ensure the economic inclusion and social well-being of their employees, customers, and suppliers, as we

Author: UN Women and International Finance Corporation

Publisher: UN Women and International Finance Corporation


Category:COVID-19 Resource

Language: English
The Power of Working Together


The Power of Working Together: Emerging Practices that Advance Women's Economic Empowerment

This booklet is inspired by the promising practices arising from the WE EMPOWER-G7 Programme between 2018 and 2020.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:WEPs Guidance

Language: English
Confronting the Gender Pay Gap Globally


Confronting the Gender Pay Gap Globally

The GSMA, a global industry association, represents the interests of mobile network operators worldwide and is committed to the principles of equal pay and fair recruitment practices that ensure equal pay for work of equal value.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:Case Study

Language: English
WEPs in Japan


WEPs Handbook for Japanese Companies

The WEPs Handbook for Japanese Companies, developed jointly by the WE EMPOWER Japan Programme and the Global Compact Network Japan, provides step by step guidance for the Japanese business sector on how to implement the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs).

Author:UN Women and Global Compact Network Japan

Publisher:UN Women


Category:Info about WEPs

Language: Japanese
Estonia case study


Estonia: Employment Contracts and Family Benefits Acts

Estonia offers some of the most extensive and well-compensated parental support policies in the world, including the longest fully paid maternity leave.Work-life balance, particularly in relation to parents, features prominently in public debates.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:Public Policy

Language: English
Canada case study


Canada: Pay Equity Act

The Pay Equity Act of 2018 establishes a groundbreaking pay equity regime within the federal public and private sectors.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:Public Policy

Language: English
The image is a screenshot of the first page of the WEPs news update. It includes an introductory message. The head banner is in orange in support of the 16 days of activism against gender based violence.


WEPs Bulletin Issue 7: Happening in the WEPs Community this week and in early December


Author:WEPs Secretariat

Publisher:WEPs Secretariat



Language: English


Leading Change at the Regional Level

Shuhei Nakata, President of NAKATA KOGEI Co., Ltd., an SME in Toyooka-City in the western region of Japan, sees the WEPs as an effective framework to advance business practices. Toyooka-City is known for its strong commitment to the SDGs, especially SDG5.  Mr.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:WEPs Leaders

Languages: English Japanese