The Power of Partnerships for Achieving Gender Equality

UN Women

“ … Governments, the international community and civil society, including non-governmental organizations and the private sector, are called upon to take strategic action in the [12] critical areas of concern.” – Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.

The joint WE EMPOWER – G7 Programme of UN Women, the European Union and ILO and produced a documentary film to showcase the role and responsibilities of various stakeholders, particularly the private sector, in advancing gender equality in the world of work. The video covers the period from 1995 – when the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action was adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women – up to present day.

Given that the contribution to and documentation of the implementation of this agenda over the past 25 years has mainly focused on government actions and civil society, this video probes into the lesser explored area of the evolution of the role of the private sector in the women’s rights movement and actions towards women’s economic empowerment in the world of work.

Resource Information

Publisher : UN Women | 2020 | Region : Global

Resource Category