
CEO Statement of Support


CEO Statement of Support

The CEO Statement of Support encourages business leaders to use the seven Women’s Empowerment Principles as guide posts for actions that advance and empower women in the workplace, marketplace and community, and communicate progress through the use of gender-disaggregated data and other benchmarks.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:Info about WEPs

Women's Empowerment Principles 101


Women's Empowerment Principles 101

This virtual session provides an overview of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and how the WEPs provide a strong framework to support companies when striving for gender equality in the workplace, marketplace, and community. Join us to learn more about the WEPs, available tools, and obtain guidance on the sign-on process.

Author:UN Women

Publisher:UN Women


Category:Video and Event