Driving accountability & transparency in the private sector
This white paper lays out the WEPs reporting framework as it stands today, which aims to assist WEPs signatories in systematically assessing and maximizing their impact, identify areas for improvement, and communicate their commitments transparently to stakeholders.
Author:ESG Book, UN Women and Watch & Jewellery Initiative 2030
Publisher:UN Women
Gender equality in corporate leadership: G20 and regional analysis 2024
This Market Monitor provides an analysis of women in corporate leadership in capital markets in G20 countries.
Key highlights include:
Author:UN SSE, IFC and UN Women
Publisher:UN SSE
Trends and opportunities to advance gender equality in business in Asia and the Pacific
Guided by the WEPs, this report offers a depth of insights, emerging best practices, and identifies forward-looking actions that companies in Asia and the Pacific can take to promote gender equality through their business operations.
Author:UN Women
Publisher:UN Women
The WEPs provide companies with a holistic road map to address the challenges women face in the workplace and to promote gender equality across their value chains, in the products and services they offer, in their marketing and in their community engagement.This report presents the aggr
Author:UN Global Compact, UN Women, IDB Invest, IDB Lab and BSR
Publisher:UN Global Compact
How exchanges can advance gender equality - updated guidance and best practice
Exchanges play a central role in the economies in which they operate.
Author:Sustainable Stock Exchanges and IFC in strategic collaboration with UN Women
Bonds to bridge the gender gap
Global debt capital markets can play an important role in financing progress toward gender equality in both the public and private sectors.
Author:UN Women, ICMA and IFC
Public Development Banks Driving Gender Equality
Operating at the intersection between finance and public policy, and with around 10 per cent of all global public and private investment, public development banks (PDBs) play a vital role in advancing gender equality women's empowerment.
Author:Agence Française de Développement and UN Women
Publisher:UN Women
A snapshot of 350 companies in the G7
An enabling environment with strong multi-stakeholder interventions are key to achieving gender equality. This very notion is explored throughout this study, which offers insight on how the public and private sector interact to advance women's economic empowerment in the world of work.
Author:UN Women
Publisher:UN Women
Gender Equality in the Private Sector: An Insight into Mexican Companies
The document analyzes the responses of 44 companies that used the WEPs Gender Gap Analysis Tool in Mexico.
Author:UN Women Mexico and UN Global Compact
Publisher:UN Women Mexico