

Will Huggins (M)


As CEO, I am proud to commit Zoocha to the Women's Empowerment Principles. These principles are fully aligned with our culture and vision for gender equality, sustainability and corporate responsibility. We pledge to foster an inclusive workplace where women's contributions are valued and their advancement is a priority. Together, we can build a more equitable and prosperous future for all. To achieve this: Zoocha explicitly acknowledges the diversity of provisions that is required to ensure that all people, regardless of their sex/gender, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, social or economic background are free from any form of discrimination Zoocha recognises that equal opportunity is about recognising that people are different and therefore require different provisions. Zoocha is committed to consulting widely in order to respond to diversity. The Zoocha culture, policies and processes explicitly ban any discrimination, including (but not limited to) on the grounds of gender, age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 25 September 2023
Private M
51-200 employees


Enterprise and Infrastructure Software


United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland