Xalq Bank Uzbekistan


Shukhrat Atabaev (M)

Chairman of the Management Board

The significance of the contribution of women in building and improving society is colossal, and considering this fact, under my chairmanship, at the bank, which has access to all regions and furthest corners of the country through the largest network of banking service, in each of the branches there are women deputy managers who are given the opportunity to demonstrate their potential, participate in making important decisions for the branch. Furthermore, in the development strategy of the bank for the next 3 years, as one of the highest priority projects we defined the initiative to launch and championing in financial inclusion, including women and are a reliable partner of the government in promoting financial services for the aforementioned segment.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 13 October 2023
5001-10,000 employees


Diversified Banks


Europe and Central Asia