Ezgi Connard (F)
Co-Founder and CRO
Elevating voices that matter, We2 stands at the forefront of visual communications, partnering with UN agencies, NGOs, and businesses worldwide, dedicated to amplifying initiatives that shape our world. Committing to the WEPs is a natural extension of our mission and aligns with our core values. By implementing the WEPs, we're not only fostering a more inclusive workplace, but also contributing to a global movement for positive change. By embracing the WEPs, we're wholeheartedly committed to creating a world where women's empowerment and gender equality are not just ideals, but fundamental principles woven into our global community.
General Information
WEPs signatory since 26 October 2023
1-10 employees
Europe and Central Asia
Also operating and will implement WEPs in the following countries and regions:
Other Countries
United States of America