TT Consultants Pvt. LTD.


Komal Sharma Talwar (F)


The idea of a gender inclusive workplace is not to bring men down but to give women the platform they rightly deserve. Gender diversity in the workplace means inclusivity, sensitivity and equal concern for all employee, irrespective of their gender or roles. Excellence does not favor one gender over another. Thus, as a firm believer and supporter of gender inclusivity at workplace, we at TT Consultants put efforts in identifying and recognizing effective management promoting gender equality. Varied inputs and perspectives help look at any project from all angles and how different groups will perceive it. A better mix of genders can lead to more engaging social groups, which ultimately amounts to a happy workforce and increased staff retention and efficiency. Gender will never be a bar for excelling at TT Consultants. Every individual irrespective of gender, is worthy of contributing to the organization and taking it to newer heights.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 04 October 2022
Private F
201-500 employees


Research and Consulting


Also operating and will implement WEPs in the following countries and regions:
Other Countries
Taiwan (province of China)
United States of America