Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc.


Tomoaki Kobayakawa (M)

Representative Executive Officer and President

東京電力グループは、社会やお客さまから信頼され選ばれ続けるために「安心で快適なくらしのためエネルギーの未来を切り拓く」を経営理念に掲げています。多様化する社会やお客さまのニーズに対してスピード感を持ってお応えし、エネルギーをベースとした新しい可能性を創造し続ける。そのために、性別、人種、年齢、性的指向、性自認、障がいの有無や働き方の違いなどに関わらず、それぞれが持つ多様な視点・能力・経験を最大限発揮し、誰もが活躍できる企業を目指し、ダイバーシティの推進に積極的に取り組んでいます。 TEPCO has based its corporate philosophy on the idea of “pioneering the future of energy for comfort and peace of mind” so as to continue to be trusted and chosen by society and our customers. In order to adapt to an increasingly diversified society and quickly meet the needs of our customers while continuing to leverage energy to create new possibilities, TEPCO is proactively promoting diversity with the aim of becoming a company at which anyone can succeed by leveraging their diverse perspectives, abilities and experience, regardless of gender, race, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical limitations or work style.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 24 July 2023
10,001-50,000 employees


Electric Utilities


Asia and the Pacific