Toki Mabogunje & co


Toki Mabogunje (F)

Founder/ Principal Consultant

"At Toki Mabogunje and Co. (TMC), we are committed to promoting gender inclusion and equality across our value chain, with the businesses we support and the communities we serve. Globally, women are key contributors in the development of any country. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)are the foundation for development and women play a vital role in this sector. As Business Development Service Providers we are committed to supporting the growth, scale and sustainability of SMEs with a strong affinity for women owned and women led businesses. We believe that women should have equal access to social, economic, and political goods, opportunities, and resources as their male counterparts."

General Information

WEPs signatory since 19 July 2022
Private F/M
1-10 employees


Business Support Services


West and Central Africa