清介 大谷 (M)


Toda Corporation recognizes that amid rapid changes to lifestyles and society functions, our most important responsibility is to provide people with satisfaction and peace of mind. Hence, we take care to cherish "connecting the diverse aspirations of people" as an integral part of this responsibility. At present, we have formulated "Future Vision CX150" for our 150th anniversary in 2031 and are working to "Turn Diversity into Strength." To realize a sustainable society and long-term growth of the company, we promote DE&I initiatives, facilitate the well-being and engagement of all employees, respect diversity, personality, and individuality, and ensure a comfortable work environment that respects diversity, personality and individuality, and allows employees to maximize their qualities and abilities. The "Women's Empowerment Principles" which we have recently agreed to support resonate with our activities. Consequently, our efforts are focused on realizing a co-creative society in which the potency of diversity, beginning with women, is fully unleashed. 戸田建設は、暮らしや社会のあり方の急激な変化の中で人々に満足や安心を提供していくことをより重要な責務と捉え、その中で「様々な人の想いをつなぐ」ことを大切にしております。 現在、2031年の創業150周年に向けて「未来ビジョンCX150」を策定し、「多様性を力に」を掲げております。 持続可能な社会と企業の長期的な成長のため、DE&Iの推進、全ての従業員のウェルビーイング実現とエンゲージメントの向上、多様性と人格・個性の尊重、資質・能力を最大限発揮でき、働き甲斐を実感できる職場環境の実現に取り組んでいます。 このたび賛同を表明した「女性のエンパワーメント原則」は弊社の活動と軌を一にするものであり、女性をはじめとする多様性の力が発揮される協創社会の実現を目指してまいります。

General Information

WEPs signatory since 12 June 2024
1001-5000 employees


Non-Residential Construction


Asia and the Pacific