Thai Eastern Group Holdings Plc.


Chalerm Kokanutoporn (M)

Chief Excecutive Officer

At TEGH, we are wholeheartedly committed to implementing the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs). We belief in the transformative power of gender equality and its positive impact on individuals, communities, and businesses. We recognize that achieving true gender equality is not only a word but also an economic necessity. By embracing diversity and empowering women, we tap into a vast pool of untapped talent, ideas, and perspectives. This strategic move enables us to enhance innovation, drive sustainable growth, and ultimately create a more inclusive and equitable world. By implementing the WEPs, we pledge to eliminate barriers that hinder women's advancement within our organization. We will prioritize equal opportunities, ensure fair representation in leadership positions, regardless of gender, can thrive and reach their full potential and work diligently to close the gender gap. Furthermore, our commitment extends beyond the boundaries of our company. We recognize the significance of collaborating with like-minded organizations to drive systemic change and address gender inequalities across our supply chain. By joining the global community of companies advancing gender equality, we can leverage collective wisdom, share best practices, and amplify our impact. TEGH's dedication to implementing the WEPs will be exemplified through our actions, communications, and collaborations. We will actively engage our employees, partners, and stakeholders in this journey, fostering a culture of inclusivity, respect, and empowerment. Together, we will challenge traditional norms, champion women's rights, and create pathways for meaningful change. Together, we can create a future where gender equality is not just a goal but a reality, where women are empowered to lead, contribute, and shape a better world for generations to come.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 20 June 2023
1001-5000 employees




Asia and the Pacific