Strauss Group LTD


Giora Bardea (M)

CEO & President

We live in a diverse world of endless opinions, tastes, cultures, and people. Everyone has a unique point of view. A unique voice. Diversity and inclusion of different groups and communities is our ability to be creative, and flexible as well as to develop better solutions that are relevant for all the people we touch. We have a responsibility to nurture and encourage the potential of each and every one, invest in humans and create a caring and inclusive society. In 2021 we launched a new purpose- to nourish a better tomorrow. We took a commitment to promote an equal environment within and beyond the company. Organizations that know how to create equal opportunities are organizations that will be the better choice for people - whether as an employer or as a business. We have set substantial goals for promoting gender equality, we will deepen investment in the community, in the development of ventures, and in the promotion of equality wherever we operate. We are committed to increasing business programs and initiatives that take into account gender perspectives throughout our value-chain, while at the same time continuing to realize our commitment to provide equal opportunities for all people. We have the right and the duty in our actions today, to encourage and inspire girls and young women. They are the next generation of leaders in our industry, and we must be there for all women, as a model for gender equality and women's leadership. To work to improve the business sector to be better for them. To help them build needed skills to create an empowering career. One that will be for them a place to voice their unique voice, to lead and realize their goals.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 08 September 2022
10,001-50,000 employees


Packaged Foods, Soft Drink

