S&P Global

Douglas Peterson (M)

President and CEO

We’re proud to support the Women’s Empowerment Principles because we know that an investment in women is an investment in everyone. The truth is that more women in the workforce benefits companies, economies and communities around the globe. Our research shows that if the U.S. had kept pace with Norway in adding women to the workforce, the American economy would be $1.6 trillion larger today. By working together, governments and the private sector can fix inequalities in our society.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 08 October 2020
10,001-50,000 employees


Between 30% and 50% women employees.

Between 30% and 50% women at management level.

Between 30% and 50% women on boards/executive team/partners.


Investment Banking


United States of America

Progress - 2021

Has a confidential grievance, resolution, reporting and non-retaliation mechanism and procedure to respond to incidents of violence and harassment

Progress - 2024

Has a confidential grievance, resolution, reporting and non-retaliation mechanism and procedure to respond to incidents of violence and harassment
Last updated on: 10 July 2024