Solaris Resources Inc

Daniel Earle (M)

President and CEO

Solaris has embraced the Women’s Empowerment Principles in an effort to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace. We have made a deliberate effort to work towards developing a work environment that is barrier free to developing women leaders in our organization and beyond. The Principles allow us to strengthen our commitment towards internationally proclaimed human rights and help inform other stakeholders as they engage in business with us.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 08 March 2021
51-200 employees


Between 30% and 50% women at management level.


Diversified Metals Mining


Americas and the Caribbean
Also operating and will implement WEPs in the following countries and regions:
Other Countries

Progress - 2021

Has a confidential grievance, resolution, reporting and non-retaliation mechanism and procedure to respond to incidents of violence and harassment

Progress - 2022

Percentage of women and men employees
  • 29.00
  • 71
  • 26 - 30%
  • 71 - 75%
Percentage of women and men in senior management positions
  • 37.50
  • 62.5
  • 36 - 40%
  • 61 - 65%
Percentage of new hires, women and men
  • 10.00
  • 52.00
  • 5 - 10%
  • 51 - 55%
Retention rate of women and men employees who took parental leave
  • 100.00
  • 100.00
  • 100.00
  • 100.00
Last updated on: 25 February 2022