The Social Lab (TSL)


Sahil Arora (M)

Chief Executive Officer

Gender equality and the well-being of society go hand in hand. When women are empowered to live up to their full potential, their the society at large prospers, but when women are restrained and denied equal opportunities within a society, their families, children and even the society suffers. In the so-called ‘transitioning economies’, the transition process has affected men and women differently and the growing gender inequalities have important social and economic costs. Our nation has reaffirmed India’s commitment towards addressing gender and women centric issues through mutual cooperation. Various initiatives have been undertaken towards fostering gender equality, ensuring better healthcare and strengthening women’s safety & security. Its not just the job of our respective state bodies and governments to tackle this global issue, companies are equally responsible for contributing towards equitable growth and opportunities

General Information

WEPs signatory since 19 July 2022
Private F/M
11-50 employees


Research and Consulting


Asia and the Pacific
Also operating and will implement WEPs in the following countries and regions:
Other Countries
United Arab Emirates