Sidera Estrategistas - Acesso e Expansão de Mercados Ltda - Sidera Consult


Carolina Ures (F)

Managing Partner

For women around the world, including our own fabulous daughter Chloë, I would like to share three world concepts as I modestly see them, which I personally follow and love: Wabi-sabi: Be water. Try seeing the world through a lens of possibilities, where obstacles are opportunities. Challenges are chances to flourish. Find beauty in the mundane and transform everyday moments into extraordinary ones. Value imperfection, transience, and humility, and embrace the beauty of the “flawed” and the prosaic. Ubuntu: Be fair and humble, always. The path to success is paved with integrity, and true leadership is about empowering others around you to be their best selves. Fairness is not just about following the rules, but about creating a collective culture of respect, kindness, and compassion. Start with yourself. Kintsugi: Get to know the power of re-signifying past challenges. You may have faced adversity, but you can still emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient and beautiful. You must understand that the scars we bear are not just reminders of our pain, but symbols of our strength and distinctiveness. So, to the lionesses everywhere: embrace your uniqueness, your resilience, and your creativity. Be present in every aspect of your life, and always remember the importance of respect, dignity and integrity. And never forget the power of re-signifying past challenges, for it is in the midst of our darkest moments that we find the strength to shine the brightest.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 03 May 2023
Private F/M
11-50 employees


Research and Consulting


Americas and the Caribbean
Also operating and will implement WEPs in the following countries and regions:
Other Countries
South Africa
United States of America