

Pierre Khoury (M)


At Shippeo, we're passionate about creating a workplace where everyone has the chance to thrive. Gender equality and women's empowerment aren't just buzzwords for us – they're core values that we've been actively promoting throughout our entire 10-year journey. We believe in providing a level playing field, which means everyone has equal access to training, opportunities for advancement, and promotions regardless of gender. We also conduct regular pay reviews to ensure fairness and equal pay for men and women doing the same work. But it's not just about work – we know that family is important too. That's why we offer programs that support work-life balance for all parents. We also host live sessions to spark conversations about gender equity and women's leadership, because open communication is key. Our commitment goes beyond our own walls – we're proud to sign the WEPs. This aligns us with a global community that shares our values of promoting gender equality. By supporting the WEPs principles, we're also contributing to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 25 June 2024
Private M
201-500 employees


Technology Distribution


Also operating and will implement WEPs in the following countries and regions:
Other Countries
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United States of America