SBI Sumishin Net Bank,Ltd.

Noriaki Maruyama (M)

President & CEO

With the spirit of "Innovation and Fairness for Everyone," all of our officers and employees are committed to providing products and services that contribute to the true benefit of our customers and the realization of a society where affluence circulates. In this context, in order to realize a society where "no one is left behind" as stated in the SDGs, we support international norms on human rights, based on the intent of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the Third United Nations General Assembly (December 10, 1948), among others. We will endeavor to conduct our business in a manner that respects human rights, without discrimination based on any factor, and that provides equal opportunities to all. 私たちは、全役職員が「データと公正の精神」に基づき、お客さまの真の利益に資する商品・サービスの提供と豊かさが循環する社会の実現に向けて取組むなかで、SDGsが掲げる「誰一人取り残さない」社会を実現するために、第3回国際連合総会で採択(1948年12月10日)された世界人権宣言の趣旨等を踏まえて、人権に関する国際規範を支持します。 私たちは、いかなる要因によっても差別せず、すべての人に平等に機会を提供する、人権を尊重した事業を行うよう努めます。

General Information

WEPs signatory since 06 February 2023
501-1000 employees


Diversified Banks


Asia and the Pacific