RSM Australia Pty Ltd

Jamie O'Rourke (M)

Chief Executive Partner

As the Chief Executive Partner of RSM Australia, I believe that embracing equity is not just a moral imperative, it is also a strategic imperative. Research shows that companies with more gender diversity in their leadership teams are more successful, innovative and profitable. By embracing equity, we can tap into the full potential of our female colleagues and create a more inclusive and successful organisation. However, achieving equity is not just about promoting women to leadership positions. It is also about addressing the systemic barriers that prevent women from advancing in their careers and accessing opportunities. This includes addressing the gender pay gap, providing paid family leave and promoting flexible work arrangements. By committing to implement the WEPs and joining this global community, RSM Australia will continue to participate in different initiatives and work hard to address these issues.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 14 June 2023
Private F/M
1001-5000 employees


Business Support Services


Asia and the Pacific