PT Bank DBS Indonesia

Paulus Sutisna (M)

President Director

We believe equal opportunities is the right goal to pursue as it also makes business sense. Having a diverse, equal workplace would allow us to have more diverse fresh ideas, foster innovations, and avoid groupthink. DBS Bank Indonesia is empowered across age, races, orientations and genders. 46% of the people managers’ role at DBS are women, and women make up 45% of our senior leaders. We have active policies to support equal opportunities with regards to career advancement. We also provide flexible working culture and suitable facilities for women especially new mothers. A sense of belonging felt by our employees is significant to us.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 20 March 2021
Private F/M
1001-5000 employees


Between 30% and 50% women employees.

Between 30% and 50% women at management level.

Less than 30% women on boards/executive team/partners.


Diversified Banks


Asia and the Pacific
Also operating and will implement WEPs in the following countries and regions:
Other Countries
China, Hong Kong SAR
Taiwan (province of China)

Progress - 2021

Has a confidential grievance, resolution, reporting and non-retaliation mechanism and procedure to respond to incidents of violence and harassment
Last updated on: 16 June 2021