Projector Creative & Tech Online Institute


Oleksandr Tregub (M)

Co-founder & CEO

Signing the Women's Empowerment Principles for us isn't a mere gesture; it embodies our steadfast commitment to upholding gender equality. Within our team, where women hold pivotal roles, we wholeheartedly advocate for a gender-inclusive perspective in every facet of our work. At Projector Creative & Tech Online Institute, we aren't simply discussing opportunities for women; we're actively forging them. Our dedication to women's education and empowerment isn't a mere initiative; it's ingrained in our core values. Through the Projector Foundation, we aim to provide scholarships for 5,000 women; we're sculpting a future that's truly equitable because we believe that to be educated means to be free.  

General Information

WEPs signatory since 17 November 2023
Private F/M
51-200 employees


Professional & vocational training


Europe and Central Asia
Also operating and will implement WEPs in the following countries and regions:
Other Countries