Procurall Solutions

Jennifer Green (F)

President and Co-Founder

At Procurall we understand the importance of gender equality and women's empowerment in today's world! Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace is essential for women to achieve their business objectives, like attaining the same opportunities as their male counterparts, and pushing past the significant barriers that have held us down, such as unequal pay and lack of representation in leadership positions. We recognize women play a significant role in driving economic growth and sustainability, therefore we believe investing in women's empowerment and gender equality not only benefits individuals, it supports community engagement and promotes innovation and leadership development. The Procurall Team is committed to doing our part to make a positive impact by implementing the WEPs throughout our workplace, supply chain and community to create a more inclusive and sustainable future for generations to come.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 29 May 2023
Private F
1-10 employees


Consumer services


United States of America