PowerFuel Damas LLC


Danielle Vantini (F)


As Co-CEOs of PowerFuel Damas, we wholeheartedly embrace United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Number 5—gender equality. Our social enterprise features a threefold division: a Global Marketing Agency, an International Community, and the upcoming Global Academy, all designed to empower women and foster leadership with a social impact. We aim to nurture women in leadership roles and facilitate their growth with a strong support system. As passionate social impact leaders, we are committed to the triple bottom line, focusing on profit, people, and the planet. We believe in a world where equality is achieved for all, and our dedication to implementing the WEPs reflects our resolve to advance gender equality and women's empowerment globally. Our International Community unites over 26 nationalities, demonstrating the power of a connected, supportive sisterhood that transcends borders, enabling women to achieve their fullest potential. Through our 15 PowerFuel Damas International Events since 2019, we have raised awareness and funds for non-profits and causes that touch the lives of women around the world, solidifying our commitment to creating a brighter, more equitable future for all.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 15 March 2023
Private F
1-10 employees


Business Support Services


United States of America