Pencil Co.,Ltd


Mika Kurahashi (F)


Pencil has been promoting the "Mate System," a work system that promotes diverse work styles centered on women who have limited working hours such as childcare and long-term care since 2012. By promoting diversity management that I set up when I took office as president, I have expanded further and engaged in work that makes use of the diverse abilities of each, and now more than 30 people in their 20s to 60s are active. From the very beginning, Pencil has valued the idea of "getting the best results by utilizing the various colors and personalities around you, rather than working alone." We have realized our corporate philosophy of "Internet for Infinite Business Evolution" by accepting them and integrating them while engaging in equality, even though various personalities are gathered together. We will continue to promote not only women but also diverse human resources and diverse work styles to transform the power of individuals into the power of organizations and "Internet for Infinite Business Evolution" We aim to contribute to a sustainable society in order to realize our management philosophy.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 28 June 2022
Private F
51-200 employees


IT Consulting


Asia and the Pacific
Also operating and will implement WEPs in the following countries and regions:
Other Countries
Taiwan (province of China)