Pancreta Bank S.A.

Antonis Vartholomeos (M)

Chief Executive Officer

Pancreta Bank is committed to the principles of Diversity, Equity and Inclusiveness, and seeks to create a work environment where all our people enjoy equal prospects, respect and opportunities to realise their full potential. Our culture and code of conduct allows no tolerance to injustice, bias, or discrimination. Today women account for 46,5% of our workforce and almost 33% of all managerial positions. We recognize that we need to do more, because our commitment runs much deeper than that. We need to instill Diversity, Equity and Inclusiveness throughout our organisation’s systems, processes and operations, not only because it is our duty to our people, but also because greater diversity drives better decision-making, stimulates innovation and growth and creates long-term value for our bank, our clients and society. Joining the WEPs initiative further strengthens our deeper commitment in promoting gender equality and effectively coping with inequalities and social divides.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 31 January 2023
Private F/M
501-1000 employees


Regional Banks


Europe and Central Asia