Khim Siew Han (M)

Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director

At OUE REIT, we understand that gender diversity is crucial for better decision-making and sustainable growth. We have embraced gender diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our operations, striving to create an environment where everyone can flourish and achieve their personal and career goals. Since our listing in 2014, women have made significant contributions to OUE REIT. We take pride in the fact that 50 percent of our senior management are women, and women constitute 70 percent of our entire workforce. Furthermore, we have set a target of achieving at least 25 percent female representation on our board by 2030. By signing the CEO Statement of Support for WEPs, we are delighted to align with global companies in implementing the Women's Empowerment Principles, further reinforcing our commitment to promoting gender diversity and equality in our workplace. By doing so, we will continue to fortify our efforts in empowering our female staff to excel and groom female leaders in our industry.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 22 June 2023
11-50 employees


Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)


Asia and the Pacific
Also operating and will implement WEPs in the following countries and regions:
Other Countries