Nurol Holding

Gurol Carmikli (M)


As a company that pioneers and supports the advancement of women in business life, we are pleased to sign the Women's Empowerment Principles. The Principles support a safe and non-discriminatory environment for women at work, which encompasses and reiterates many of the areas that we have focused on for years. It also sheds light on the fact that the Principals inspire all efforts for women to exist in all areas and at all levels of economic life. This incentive paves the way for integration of women into business life which is an important step towards enhancing women leaders. Our company 'Nurol Holding' has always prioritized and continues to give priority to gender equality for every sector it has incorporated since its establishment. In our growing and evolving world, I see female employees and female leaders as a privilege for labor force. Greater integration of women in the company is a clear necessity in order to take part in the global economy and ensure its sustainability. By signing and committing to the Women's Empowerment Principles we will work towards sustaining a work environment which encourages women to pursue careers in our organizations. I encourage other leaders to commit to this goal with us.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 09 August 2023
Private M
5001-10,000 employees


Non-Residential Construction


Europe and Central Asia
Also operating and will implement WEPs in the following countries and regions:
Other Countries
United Arab Emirates