Mary Kay

Wendy Wang (F)

President of Mary Kay's Asia-Pacific Region

玫琳凯艾施曾说:在我看来,P&L代表的不仅是profit and loss,更是people and love。玫琳凯愿与各方一起,以WEPs为行动指南,在工作场所、市场和社区持续推动妇女赋权。 Mary Kay Ash once said, "P&L doesn't necessarily mean profit and loss. I think it means people and love." Mary Kay is committed to working alongside various stakeholders, using the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) as a guiding framework, to continuously enhance women's empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and community.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 05 September 2023
Private F
501-1000 employees


Specialty Retail


Asia and the Pacific

Progress - 2023

Ratio of basic salary of women to men
  • 98
  • Global gender pay gap average: -
  • Company average: 98%

Progress - 2024

Ratio of basic salary of women to men
  • 98
  • Global gender pay gap average: -
  • Company average: 98%

Annual Report

Last updated on: 04 July 2024