A Logistics Company

Besik Akhaladze (M)

Chief Executive Officer

A Logistics Company is a part of one of the developing industries in the world and as private sector representatives, we believe that it’s crucially important to showcase our commitment to women’s empowerment and collaborate to promote inclusion, therefore improve quality of life for women, men, families and communities. Our company’s vision is to become the leading logistics partner for companies in Georgia. We deliver quality service created by a professional team, which is diverse and inclusive. Logistics is still considered a man’s world today, when women represent an enormous untapped resource in the overall talent pool . We managed and today women make up more than 55% of our warehouse employees. In our warehouses, we ensure the safety, well-being and development of all workers and implement supply chain and marketing practices that empower women. We once again confirm and express our utmost respect and commitment to women’s rights and gender equality . By signing the document, A Logistics Company strives to actively continue working and contribute to the protection of women's and men's rights in the workplace.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 16 February 2023
Private F/M
51-200 employees


Between 51% and 80% women employees.

Between 51% and 80% women at management level.

Between 30% and 50% women on boards/executive team/partners.


Air Freight & Logistics


Europe and Central Asia