Kontron AG

Hannes Niederhauser (M)


I am pleased that our company will be part of the efforts of UN Women and UN Global Compact for gender equality and the empowerment of women in the company. Especially in a technical company like Kontron, where female employees are outnumbered, we are very keen to promote the advancement of women in the workplace. I am convinced that mixed teams of men and women produce more innovative ideas and create a healthy working environment. Personally, when it comes to promoting women, it is important to me to encourage women to take on leadership roles. This is only possible in an environment that promotes the compatibility of family and work. We are doing do at Kontron, enabling flexible working arrangements such as remote work or part-time work and promoting work-life balance. We want to continue to make the company attractive to women by creating a culture that values differences and promotes equal treatment of all employees.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 08 February 2023
1001-5000 employees


Enterprise and Infrastructure Software

