JTB Communication Design, Inc.

Takayuki Fujiwara (M)

President & CEO

We consider the advancement of women to be an extremely important factor in the growth of our company and have set a goal of having 50% of our organizational management positions to be held by women by 2030. We are promoting DE&I so that we can build an environment in which each employee can independently develop their own career vision and grow and challenge to realize it, while making the most of their individuality and talents. By incorporating diverse values into our organization's human capital management we will generate innovation, maximize our company's power & competitiveness, and continue to be an entity contributing to society. 当社では女性の活躍が企業の成長にとって非常に重要な要素であると捉えており、2030年までに組織運営職における女性の占める割合を50%にするという目標を掲げています。 従業員一人ひとりの個性や才能を最大限に活かしながら、自らが主体的にキャリアビジョンを描き、その実現に向けて成長・挑戦する環境を構築できるようDE&Iを推進しています。多様な価値観を組織に取り込むことでイノベーションを生み出し、組織全体の力を最大化しながら企業の競争力を高め、社会から必要とされる存在であり続けられるよう人的資本経営を実践してまいります。

General Information

WEPs signatory since 06 October 2022
Private M
1001-5000 employees


Between 30% and 50% women employees.

Less than 30% women at management level.

Less than 30% women on boards/executive team/partners.


Business Support Services


Asia and the Pacific