INNER Beauty and Health


Andrea Sgarbi (F)

Founder and Director

INNER has decided to join the United Nations Women's Empowerment Principles due to its deep commitment to gender equality and equity. Sustainable Development Goal No. 5 (Gender Equality) is key in INNER's sustainability strategy, along with No. 3 (Good Health and Well-being) and No. 12 (Responsible Production and Consumption). Therefore, we see these Principles as a concrete tool to incorporate a gender perspective throughout our business and to design strategies that encompass this perspective comprehensively. At INNER, we are dedicated to addressing the specific needs of women regarding health and well-being through innovative nutritional formulas that are in tune with the female body and promote its holistic development. By adopting these Empowerment Principles, we reaffirm our mission to positively impact the quality of life of women and contribute to the construction of a more equitable and just society.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 16 June 2023
Private F
1-10 employees




Americas and the Caribbean