Indra Colombia

Fernando Ayala Ferraro (M)

Director región andina y cono sur

“Es hora de consolidar el liderazgo femenino en el sector tecnológico. América Latina es una de las regiones en donde la proporción de mujeres en la ciencia y la tecnología ha aumentado de manera significativa, ahora tenemos que crear las oportunidades reales de promoción del talento en nuestras organizaciones, garantizar equidad salarial y velar porque el ascenso de las mujeres sea continuo y progresivo”

General Information

WEPs signatory since 04 October 2022
Private F/M
1001-5000 employees


Between 30% and 50% women employees.

Between 30% and 50% women at management level.


Internet Software and Services


Americas and the Caribbean
Also operating and will implement WEPs in the following countries and regions:
Other Countries

Progress - 2024

Percentage of women and men employees
  • 36.50
  • 63.5
  • 36 - 40%
  • 61 - 65%
Percentage of women and men in senior management positions
  • 33.60
  • 66.4
  • 31 - 35%
  • 66 - 70%
Percentage of new hires, women and men
  • 43.40
  • 70.00
  • 41 - 45%
  • 65 - 70%
Percentage of promotions and career opportunities, women and men
  • 29.30
  • 66.00
  • 26 - 30%
  • 66 - 70%
Has a confidential grievance, resolution, reporting and non-retaliation mechanism and procedure to respond to incidents of violence and harassment

Progress - 2023

Percentage of women and men employees
  • 37.00
  • 63
  • 36 - 40%
  • 61 - 65%
Percentage of women and men in senior management positions
  • 16.00
  • 84
  • 16 - 20%
  • 81 - 85%
Percentage of new hires, women and men
  • 30.00
  • 70.00
  • 25 - 30%
  • 65 - 70%
Percentage of promotions and career opportunities, women and men
  • 34.00
  • 66.00
  • 31 - 35%
  • 66 - 70%
Has a confidential grievance, resolution, reporting and non-retaliation mechanism and procedure to respond to incidents of violence and harassment
Last updated on: 22 May 2024