
Shariq Khan (M)

Executive Director

I strongly believe that promoting gender equality and empowering women is not only a social obligation, but also an essential component of success in today's fast-paced world. As responsible global citizens, our organization fully understands the immense value that championing women's rights holds from both ethical and strategic standpoints. To achieve this goal, we are deeply committed to fostering inclusivity within the organization by wholeheartedly embracing the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs). We recognize that offering equal opportunities regardless of one's gender or background eliminates power imbalances that might hamper progress and instead, promotes innovation by leveraging diverse perspectives. I am truly proud of Incision’s unwavering commitment towards ensuring such an inclusive workplace and hope to continue investing in our collective future to help build thriving societies around us.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 30 November 2023
Private F/M
11-50 employees


Between 51% and 80% women employees.




Asia and the Pacific