I-SEEED Youths Limited


Tracey-Ann Harriage (F)


The reflection of astounding beauty in the mirror demonstrates the lives dependent on my work, given by the second chance of life to save them. Why? Because at any given moment, you have the power to say this is NOT how my story is going to end. Never forget that walking away from something unhealthy is brave, even if you stumble a little on your way out. Always reaffirm yourselves and say Trauma may happen to me, but it does not define me.This is very important to me because I am a Sur-Thrivor of domestic abuse and using my voice to empower survivors in being Sur-Thrivors is my purpose on this earth. It doesn't matter if it's a male or a female, we were all created as human beings and violence or injustice is never ok. 

General Information

WEPs signatory since 25 July 2023
Private F
1-10 employees


Research and Consulting


Americas and the Caribbean
Also operating and will implement WEPs in the following countries and regions:
Other Countries
United States of America