Hansae Co., Ltd.


Kyung Kim (M)


Respecting the values of diversity and inclusion, we have established a culture where employees from various backgrounds engage in open discussions and grow in a free environment. This commitment to diversity and inclusion has led us to formulate internal policies that cultivate a diverse and inclusive organizational culture. We, Hansae, believe that increased participation of women in corporate decision-making processes yields fresh perspectives and solutions. Consequently, we ensure equal treatment of both genders within our workforce. Currently, women constitute 45% of managers and executives, and we are committed to further strategizing for the enhancement of women's capacities. In pursuit of these objectives, we have joined the WEPs. By aligning with these initiatives, we aim to promote gender equality and empower women, leading the way in DE&I and fostering a stronger, more inclusive organizational environment at Hansae group.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 17 August 2023
10,001-50,000 employees




Korea, Republic of