Hakuhodo DY Holdings Inc.


Masayuki Mizushima (M)

Representative Director & President

博報堂DYグループが目指すのは、生活者の想いがあふれ、いきいきと活躍できる社会の実現です。 そのためにも、ダイバーシティを尊重し、お互いを受容するインクルーシブな組織づくりを進めるだけでなく、一人ひとりが直面している課題を理解し、ともに乗り越えられるように支援するエクイティの考え方を大切にしていきます。 当社は『女性のエンパワーメント原則』に賛同し、ジェンダー平等に対する理解を深めながら、社員一人ひとりがクリエイティビティを最大限発揮するための環境整備や取り組みを推進してまいります。 The Hakuhodo DY Group aims to create a society where sei-katsu-sha* have many aspirations and can lead vibrant lives. To that end, we are committed to respecting diversity to develop an inclusive organization built on mutual acceptance and to upholding the concept of equality to understand the challenges facing individual members and help meet them together. By embracing the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), we are determined to promote various initiatives including the development of an environment that enables each of our members to make the best of their creativity, while deepening our understanding of gender equality. * “Sei-katsu-sha” is a term we use to describe people not simply as consumers, but as fully rounded individuals with their own lifestyles, aspirations and dreams.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 28 October 2024
10,001-50,000 employees




Asia and the Pacific