Gruppo Hera

Stefano Venier (M)


Signing the WEP is the right thing to do, no more and no less. In addition to formalising a clear declaration of intent regarding human rights and gender equality, this signature represents a fundamental step forwards in the company'™s social growth. Hera pays great attention to the issues of diversity and inclusion, with the intention of creating a corporate culture that is new, inclusive and non-discriminatory, and encouraging an enhancement of its best talents for a sustainable development of the business. In particular, the Group has long been committed to actions aimed at sustaining its own female employees through policies based on home/work alternation, participation, health promotion, welfare and corporate risk prevention, including gender-related factors. In signing the WEP, Hera intends to offer a tangible response to the UN Global Agenda'™s call to action, implementing equitable gender-based and inclusive strategies which are increasingly effective in creating shared value.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 06 June 2017
5001-10,000 employees


Between 30% and 50% women employees.

Between 30% and 50% women at management level.

Less than 30% women on boards/executive team/partners.




Europe and Central Asia