GE HealthCare Investment (China) Co., Ltd.


Yihao Zhang (M)

President & CEO, GE HealthCare China

At GE HealthCare China, we have witnessed firsthand the gentle, resilient, brave and unyielding power of women. We recognize that promoting women's rights requires a collaborative effort from an array of sectors, and GE HealthCare China endeavors to mobilize internal and external forces to empower females to the best of our capacity. To that end, we remain devoted to championing a culture of diversity, equality, and inclusion, providing an open career development platform for our female employees. We also uphold the principles of ESG, offering essential resources such as education and healthcare to enhance equality while improving their living standards. Through our concrete actions and positive social impacts, we strive to achieve diverse growth and sustainable development.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 31 May 2023
5001-10,000 employees


Medical Devices


Asia and the Pacific