G2 Media sh.p.k. (A2)


Astrit Patozi (M)

Chief Executive Officer

At A2 | Albania CNN Affiliate (G2 Media sh.p.k.) we are committed to championing women's rights, equality, and representation in our workplace. We believe that fostering a diverse and inclusive environment is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic advantage for our organization. We will continue to actively promote gender equality and empower women at every level of our company. Together, we can create a workplace where all employees, regardless of gender, can thrive and contribute their unique perspectives and talents. This way, we proudly stand behind the Women Empowerment Principles. We are dedicated to promoting gender equality, providing opportunities for women's advancement, and fostering an inclusive workplace where all voices are heard and valued.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 03 November 2023
Private M
51-200 employees




Europe and Central Asia
Also operating and will implement WEPs in the following countries and regions:
Other Countries
Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244)