Arif Yenal Gökyıldırım (M)


Flo, a footwear industry leader with over 60 years of legacy, proudly commits to the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) as a dedicated signatory. Positioned at the forefront of cultural transformation, Flo Shoes prioritizes sustainable development, evident in its membership with the United Nations Global Compact and Business World and Sustainable Development Association (SKD Turkey). Our commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion is not merely a strategic priority but a fundamental aspect of Flo's identity. We drive inclusive initiatives at every organizational level, exemplified by the establishment of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Celebrating differences in gender, age, ethnicity, and religion, Flo ensures diversity is woven into its ethos, reflected in both its workforce and product range. In becoming a signatory of the WEPs, FLO reaffirms its dedication to creating a workplace where everyone thrives, irrespective of gender. Our sustainability journey underscores the belief that businesses can shape a better world. Stepping into the future with purpose, principles, and a resolute commitment to empowerment, FLO is dedicated to building a more sustainable, inclusive world for all.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 13 November 2023
Private F/M
10,001-50,000 employees




Europe and Central Asia