EY Greece


George Papadimitriou (M)

Managing Partner, EY Greece

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion are principles integral to everything we do at EY, as we strive to fulfil our goal of Building a better working world; a world of equal opportunities for our people - irrespective of their gender - to empower them to grow, thrive and reach the heights set by their own aspirations and dreams. At EY, we strongly believe that businesses, as microcosms of the world we live in, have the power to be drivers of meaningful and everlasting societal changes, being the torchbearers for new behaviors and mindsets that slowly evolve through the workplace and carry into society. By working together, the business world can lead by example, mustering our collective ability to create sustainable value, to promote gender equality in the workplace, empower women, and put forth actions and policies that will bring to life the better working world we envision. Real change only comes from real actions, and that is why EY is proud to sign, adopt and sponsor the WEPs, standing shoulder to shoulder with likeminded organizations, reiterating our commitment to advance gender equality in the Greek market.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 04 October 2023
Private F/M
1001-5000 employees


Business Support Services


Europe and Central Asia