EOS Business Consulting Services International LTD


Edwige Dupont (F)


With the huge change and diversity the world is facing, we need to embrace new thinking, new ways of rebuilding our societies, economies and businesses. At EOS Business Consulting Services International, we believe gender equality is an important aspiration for our business as well as the companies we are working with. In order for companies to reach their full potential, they must create an environment in which women are treated equally, where they hold key leadership positions, and are full participants in decision making. We are therefore very pleased to sign the Women’s Economic Principles, which are critical to driving the rightful advancement of women around the world.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 19 August 2023
Private F/M
11-50 employees


Research and Consulting


United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Also operating and will implement WEPs in the following countries and regions:
Other Countries
Congo, Democratic Republic of the