Enel Spa

Francesco Starace (M)

CEO and General Manager

"Considering the importance of the universal principle of equality of opportunity and diversity management, as Enel, we intend to roll out the best initiatives to promote gender equality in all the Group companies, in the framework of meritocracy and work life balance. This purpose is linked to the Group Sustainability Strategic Plan, of which Diversity and Equal Opportunities are priorities. In this perspective in 2013 the Recommendation on Equal Opportunities and Diversity management was approved, following the signing of the Global Framework Agreement with Italian and International Trade Unions. Furthermore according to our Human Rights Policy approved in 2013, Enel rejects any form of discrimination and is committed to ensuring that its employees and potential employees are treated with respect for diversity and to promoting equal opportunities, both upon establishment of the employment relationship and at each stage of its performance. Also, through the implementation of the due diligence processes on Human Rights, these issues will be duly monitored. Moreover Enel focuses on a wide range of issues concerning the life of women in modern society, including fostering women employment in fighting against energy poverty in the countries and communities where we are. That is why, in Enabling Electricity, our worldwide sustainability program to fight against energy poverty and support UN SE4All, we are committed to develop projects that foster the role of women in society. In this perspective, we launched a partnership with Barefoot College, which has involved illiterate grandmothers from Central and Latin America in a training program to turn them into solar engineers, able to install and maintain solar panels covering the electricity needs of isolated areas, thus empowering the role of women in their communities. We are aware that building a culture of diversity and equal opportunities is a long and complex process that requires full involvement of the entire organization, starting from top management to all its employees. Since Enel is a member of the Global Compact and the Global Compact LEAD, we believe that supporting the Women Empowerment Principles will be a fundamental action, not only to promote the value of women inside the Group, but also the value creation of our businesses in all the countries where we operate."

General Information

WEPs signatory since 13 January 2015
10,001-50,000 employees


Less than 30% women employees.

Less than 30% women at management level.


Electric Utilities


Europe and Central Asia


Creating the Culture of Inclusion
Creating the Culture of Inclusion
Read this case study on Enel Group, an Italian multinational energy company with a presence in over…
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