

Mert Karslıoğlu (M)


The climate crisis is a common problem for all of us, regardless of religion, language, race, gender, socioeconomic and sociocultural differences. As a social enterprise that develops technological solutions against the global climate crisis, we attach importance to gender equality and inclusion policies in our corporate culture. Diversity and Inclusion are our most important values, based on respect. I am proud that our female teammates comprise 50% of our team. Moreover, seed balls shot with our ecoDrones are primarily produced by women who live in rural areas and who are negatively affected by the climate crisis in economic and sociological terms. With these works, ecording aims to create a sustainable income source for women living in rural areas with the motivation of supporting the reduction of economic inequalities caused by the global climate crisis.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 06 March 2024
Private F/M
11-50 employees


Business Support Services


United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland