Deloitte Greece

Dimitris Koutsopoulos (M)

CEO Deloitte Greece

From building our teams to developing and nurturing our female colleagues, it is our responsibility as business leaders to recognize, advocate for, and actively empower women. This is what we do at Deloitte Greece for our female employees, comprising 43% of our people, through various initiatives under our dedicated pillar “EmPowerful Women by Deloitte”. Our SHE.Leads community and “Shatter the Glass Ceiling” leadership development program empower women professionals to further advance in their careers. Our Her.Net community and HerInTech Accelerator program support women in pursuing careers in the STEM sector and developing their skills, while our annual “Her Way Forward: Upskilling and Reskilling Event” focuses on women’s upskilling and reskilling. Acknowledging the value of all our people and equally supporting them is part of Deloitte’s commitment to making an impact that matters and promoting equality and gender diversity in the workplace.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 02 February 2023
Private F/M
1001-5000 employees


Business Support Services


Europe and Central Asia
Also operating and will implement WEPs in the following countries and regions:
Other Countries