DeFacto Retail Inc


İhsan Ateş (M)


According to the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, one of the seventeen critical elements of socio-economic development is gender equality. Considering this frame of reference, we firmly believe that long-term sustainable development can only be achieved through equal opportunity in both business and social life. This is even more so in emerging and developing countries such as Turkiye. DeFacto considers gender equality as one of the main characteristics of corporate culture through its application to the completely decision-making process. We believe in the power, efficiency, and value that women contribute to business life; thus, we prioritize our female employees through our Human Resources practices. We treat all employees fairly and equally, by offering equal pay for equal work. We also provide equal rights and opportunities for all our employees, and we believe that it is the only way to sustain our dynamic pattern, strength in the sector, and brand loyalty in the eyes of our stakeholders. From this standpoint, we are very proud to be a part of the Women's Empowerment Principles, which will be a driving power for our continuing efforts and commitments.

General Information

WEPs signatory since 03 March 2015
Private M
10,001-50,000 employees


Retail Apparel


Europe and Central Asia